Bio of Helen Schwimmer
Helen Schwimmer
Chaya Mina Bat David
Helen Zegerman Schwimmer was a beloved wife, mother, bubbie, sister, and friend. Born in Germany in a displaced person's camp, she immigrated to America as a child, eventually earning her B.A. in English from Brooklyn College and an interior design degree from The New York School of Interior Design. During her extensive media career, Helen wrote about everything from Buicks to babaganoosh. As a copywriter she created newspaper, radio and television commercials for a variety of clients. She also wrote and produced several documentaries including the autobographical Miracle on Seabreeze Avenue for which she received the Women's History Month Video Award. Her Jewish cooking video, A Taste of Shabbos, with Rebbetzin Esther Winner has been acclaimed for promoting Jewish culture worldwide. Her books weave together personal vignettes about her own life with heroic stories about inspiring personalities in the fields of medicine, religion, education and the arts. As a successful renaissance woman, her work was always infused with Yiddishkeit.