  • Jewish Kids Club Camp RSVP HERE
  • Hebrew SchoolWhere Judaism Comes Alive!

    Aleph Champ - Hebrew language program, cooking, drama, art, Jewish history 7 culture, Bar/Bat Mitzvah preparation, Holiday programs.
  • Jewish Kids ClubAfter School Program of the Arts

    Monday - Friday | Grades Pre-K - 5
    Chabad Neshama - Seabreeze Jewish Center | 311 Seabreeze
  • Kids in The KitchenAt Kids in the Kitchen, children have the opportunity to roll up their sleeves and get some hands-on experience. They will create delicious and fun foods connected to the Jewish holidays. Register Here
  • CteenCTeen offers programs that bring teens together to embrace their shared faith and give back to their communities and the environment. More Info
  • Cteen Jr. More Info
  • Mommy & MeWith Leah Winner

    Music, movement, a simple craft and snacks combine to give you and your child a great time! Parenting tips and discussions!

    Ages: 3-36 months
    Sign Up
  • Garden of MiztvotWhere Children Blossom! Complete Missions & Win Prizes
  • Bat Mitzvah ClubIf you're a Jewish girl aged 11-13, join us at the Bat Mitzvah Club. We're sharing fun crafts and deep conversation plus tips, trips and tricks that can make your Bat Mitzvah power last a lifetime. More Info
  • C-Girls ClubArt, Baking, Activities and Outings While Learning What it Means to be a Jewish Girl. MORE INFO
  • Bar Mitzvah / C-Guys The C guys club meets weekly with an action packed program of learning and fun. MORE INFO
Chabad Neshama Center is dedicated to strengthening Jewish identity, education and culture in the Russian American Community, and in all interested in ensuring a brighter future for our children. Through our Center Located in Brighton Beach we provide a wide variety of educational, cultural and social services for all – from children and youth through adults and seniors - with a vision for personal fulfillment and universal peace.
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Learning & Inspiration
  • Love, Respect, and TrustThe Jewish Dating and Marriage Podcast Read More
Shabbat & Holidays
Candle Lighting Times
Brighton Beach
Weekly Torah Portion
Upcoming Holiday
Feb. 13
Daily Thought
“I was in the midst of the exile, on the river of Kevar.” (Ezekiel 1:1) (Kevar is the Hebrew word for “already.”) At the onset of the exile, Ezekiel sat on the bank of a river called “I heard that already.” It is a river so cold, it can make icicles from fiery sparks of wisdom. It is a river of exile. Because it is a lie. Wisdom never says, “I heard that already.” When you truly hear, when you absorb wisdom deep...
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