Many of us have grandparents or family who are seniors, living alone or in senior facilities. If we live locally, we visit as often as we can. But wouldn’t it be wonderful to know that there is someone who will supplement those visits, someone who cares in a most loving way? For the seniors, too, knowing that someone is giving of their time to share thoughts and feelings, to lend an ear, or to simply hold their hand is reason enough for them to smile—all week long. And for the rest of us, here is our opportunity to develop intimate on-going relationships with the elderly of our Jewish community - and that is priceless!
Bikur Cholim
Smiling faces, groups of children, handmade 'Get Well' cards, fresh Challah and steaming bowls of chicken soup can do wonders in brightening up our elderly. We do personal house visits as well as arrange visits to local Assisted Living Centers. Kids, teens, get involved to bring joy to someones life! Joining in this big Mitzva has a positive effect in being beneficial to all parties involved!
Events for the Elderly
We run lovely programs before every Jewish Holiday to get in to the festive mood or have a round-table discussion on a fun Jewish topic related to the upcoming Festival!
We also have Sisterhood Meetings which are a favorite in the social life of our seniors.
The Travelling Guest Speaker makes the rounds, giving the seniors a wonderful opportunity to attend an interesting Jewish lecture in various Senior Organizations.
Adopt a Bubby/Zeidy
It takes just minutes to change a person’s entire week. To meet the needs of the seniors within our community, we connect them with willing and capable teen/young adult volunteers. It has been proven time and time again that consistent human interactions can greatly impact the quality of life of the aged, and those who interact with seniors are in the position to accomplish a tremendous amount.
With your help, our mission and goal is to make a difference to every Jewish senior in our area!
Imagine the difference YOU can make…
Call us at 718-946-9833 to take part!
See Photos