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Thursdays at 7:30pm 

Using the Chasidic masterpiece - The Tanya, we will go on a journey of self discovery to better understand our personal challenges and become empowered to rise above our limitations. Every week we will analyze a Kabbalah topic and discover another layer of the coding that shapes our lives.

Presented by Rabbi Zushe Winner, renowned scholar of Kabbalah and author of Halachic literature, this course takes place every Thursday at 7:30pm, at the Sea Breeze Jewish Center.

Sushi & Scotch accompanies the spiritual food for thought.

What better way than to spend your evening? Looking forward to seeing you there. 




Here's your chance to get that dose of inspiration. Watch our playbacks from previous lessons on our Chabad Neshama YouTube channel, or by searching"Rabbi Zushe Winner Tanya Class."


Follow our page on Facebook to get weekly reminders, and to see pictures & playbacks from previous lessons.