
MJN - My Jewish Name

  • MJN Naming Flier.jpg


    Monday, April 8, 2019 at 6:00 PM | 311 Seabreeze Ave. 

    The MJN - "My Jewish Name" program is an incredible event designed to make the unique milestone of receiving a Jewish name as beautiful and meaningful as it deserves to be.

    It begins with an emotional and inspirational naming ceremony during which the new Jewish names are given at the Torah. Each participating woman will have a male representative, be it husband, son, father, or rabbi, called up to the Torah on her behalf to receive her Jewish name. The Torah reading and naming ceremony is accompanied by a short speech from the Rabbi describing the blessings having a Jewish name brings into a person's life. 

    The official ceremony is followed by an elegant banquet dinner and dessert for the participating women and their families. The dinner includes a candle lighting ceremony and a few short words from each woman about the meaning of her chosen name. Planning for the event includes individual meetings with Rebbetzin Esther Winner for the woman to choose her name and prepare her speech. 

     The cost of this event is $200 which includes the naming ceremony, dinner for 4, and the planning meeting with Rebbetzin Winner. Additional guests are welcome at a cost of $36 per person.  

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